Butter is Back
What could be better than butter?
Butter, creamy and luscious, when spread across toasty bread. Yet when melted, turns golden and frothy as it coats the bottom of a pan. While using butter to sauté, a thin golden crust of flavor will coat the edges of your meat, poultry or veggie’s. Anyone who likes good food knows that your secret weapon will always be butter.
But, as satisfyingly delicious as we all realize butter is, we also know that eating too much of it will lead to high levels of cholesterol, leading us to clogged arteries, heart disease and possibly even death.
How would you feel if I told you that eating butter may not actually be as dangerous as you have been lead to believe?
Well, I am here to tell you to throw away the margarine and allow yourself to indulge a bit.
Butter is back!
Don’t believe me?
Did you know that contrary to the popular belief, butter is not bad for your health, but may actually provide the human body with essential nutrients which can improve or prevent many medical conditions?
What has actually been found is that margarines and imitation butters are actually much worse for your health than butter. (1) Check out these ”How it’s Made” Video’s, which show the difference between how canola oil (often the base for most margarines) and butter are made. (2)
It has also been found that because butter is more satisfying it can prevent overeating. (3)
Butter also contains, lauric acid (shown to treat fungal infections and candida (4) , lecithin (which aids metabolism), vitamin E(a fat-soluble antioxidant and essential to prevent adverse effects of the environment on your DNA), (5) vitamin K (known as the clotting vitamin, because without it blood would not clot (6) , vitamin A (necessary for thyroid and adrenal health) and selenium (which has been shown to reduce inflammation)
Also, butter is a good source of iodine. Iodine is responsible for the production of thyroid hormones, which control the body’s metabolism and are essential for proper bone and brain development during pregnancy and infancy. (9)
The research shows that not only is butter good for you, but it may even be capable of lowering fat and cholesterol in those who eat it. In fact, in one study (Journal of Nutrition, 2002;132:3642-3649) men who were fed three tablespoons of butter, showed lower cholesterol and harmful low density fat particles in the hours after eating the butter than when fed the same amount of soybean oil or olive oil.
In the word’s of Julie Powell, author of Julie and Julia, “Is there anything better than butter?”